Bivy Labs

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We build sensing and perception hardware for Edge AI.

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Markets Served

Industrial Automation

Providing practical automation solutions to enhance industrial processes and productivity.

Autonomous Systems

Development and implementation of advanced autonomous systems, leveraging innovative search to drive autonomy and intelligence in a wide range of applications.

Consumer Electronics

Creating cutting-edge consumer electronics that blend innovative design with user-centric functionality.


Medical Devices

Developing advanced medical devices to enhance patient care, achieving precision and reliability in both clinical and remote health monitoring environments.

Scientific Research

Developing specialized hardware solutions to support the evolving needs of scientific research.

Educational Technology

Device and curriculum development to enhance learning experiences through innovation and simplicity.

Home Automation

Sometimes referred to as “IoT”, connected devices deployed around the home are designed to improve comfort and convenience.

Agricultural Technology

Improve crop yields, reduce resource consumption, and assist farm workers.


Product Development



Electrical Engineering

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The term “sensing” refers to the collection of raw data measurements. These measurements typically represent physical properties of the environment, such as light intensity, temperature, movement, or proximity of objects to one another. These raw data measurements are typically represented in a format that machines can process, but not necessarily “understand” in a contextual sense.

“Perception” is about processing raw sensor data in order to gain useful contextual understanding for the sake of problem solving. In robotics, this might mean not just detecting an object’s presence (sensing), but also recognizing what the object is, its relevance to the task at hand, and how the robot should interact with it (perception). Perception incorporates complex processes such as image recognition, object identification, and environmental mapping. It often relies on algorithms and machine learning models to provide context and meaning to the sensed data.

We have integrated / developed  a wide variety of sensors, across a broad range of application domains. Our experience ranges from large and expensive research-grade sensory systems, such as the multi-beam lidar used in autonomous vehicles, all the way to the custom miniaturized and cost-reduced sensors used in biomedical devices. 

Following is a list of some of the sensors we have experience with:

  • Camera
    • Depth Cameras
      • Time-of-Flight
      • Structured Light
        • Intel RealSense
        • PrimeSense
        • IFM
      • Rolling / Global shutter
      • Visual / Infrared spectrum
  • LiDAR
  • Motion: Accelerometer/Gyroscope/Magnetometer
  • Ultrasonics
  • Sonar
  • Temperature
  • Barometric and fluid pressure sensors
  • Microphones
  • Pulse Oximeters
  • Bio Sensing
    • Pulse Oximeters
    • EKG
  • Current sensors
    • Split-core Magnetic
    • Hall Effect
    • Resistive

While we do assist clients with product development, we do not bill ourselves as a full-blown product development (PD) firm. Our core focus is the development and integration of advanced technologies.

While we are passionate about engaging in development anywhere from conception to market launch, some aspects of product development (such as design, marketing, and commercialization strategy) are not presently part of our offering.

We are happy to work in partnership with PD firms, and can help you engage with PD firms where appropriate.

We are passionate about software development.

Our dual expertise in both high-level system software and low-level embedded development allows us to tackle challenges across the software stack. Whether it’s building advanced user-facing applications, optimizing system performance at the kernel level, or developing drivers for a resource constrained microcontroller, we have you covered.

Here are some a few areas we specialize in:

  • Problem-solving across large and complex systems.
  • Developing on custom and resource constrained hardware
  • Robotics systems/hardware integration.
  • Hardware integration
  • Data visualization / analysis (Python, Numpy / SciPy, Matlab)
  • Profiling and optimization
  • Protocols (USB, BLE, EtherCAT, CAN, custom, etc.)
  • RTOS development
  • Linux systems
  • Bootloaders / firmware update
  • Build / deployment systems
  • Agile development

For more information, please visit the services section of our site.


When Bivy Labs partners with other firms and consultants, we embrace a holistic approach to engineering and technology development. This partnership philosophy is grounded in the belief that by combining our specialized skills and expertise, we can address not just specific subsystems of a project, but the entire spectrum of a client’s business needs.

In practice, this means going beyond the boundaries of conventional project scopes. While individual firms might excel in certain aspects of engineering or product development, our collaborative approach allows us to integrate these distinct competencies seamlessly. As a result, we can tackle complex challenges that require a multifaceted understanding of both the technical and business aspects of a project.

This comprehensive approach is key to delivering enhanced business value. By solving for the whole business problem, rather than isolated components, we ensure that the solutions we develop are not only technically sound but also strategically aligned with our clients’ broader business objectives. This alignment leads to more impactful outcomes, driving innovation, efficiency, and growth for our clients.

In essence, our partnerships amplify our collective strengths, enabling us to deliver solutions that are more innovative, effective, and aligned with the real-world challenges and opportunities our clients face. By being greater than the sum of our parts, we empower our clients to achieve more, positioning them and ourselves at the forefront of technological advancement and business success.

Our experience in robotics is both deep and diverse. We have a strong background in robotics education, having been involved in instructing, developing curriculum, and overall program development. This educational foundation underpins our practical expertise in the field.

Our hands-on experience covers a wide range of robotics systems. We’ve worked with an array of sensors and actuators, essential components that form the building blocks of any robotic system. Our projects have included autonomous mobile bases, innovative quadrupeds, sophisticated robotic arms, high-degree-of-freedom (DoF) hands, and custom actuators, showcasing our ability to handle various robotic forms and functions.

In terms of technical skills, we are proficient in path and motion/execution planning, calibration and characterization, and low-level control. These skills are crucial in bringing precision and efficiency to robotic movements and operations.

Our team has played a pivotal role in supporting teams of robotics researchers, contributing to the advancement of the field. Additionally, we have collaborated with companies aiming to launch their first robotic products, guiding them from concept to market.

Technologically, we are well-versed in ROS (Robot Operating System), Matlab, Python, and embedded systems. This extensive knowledge in software and hardware platforms enables us to develop and implement sophisticated robotic solutions.

In summary, our robotics experience is comprehensive, spanning from educational initiatives to the development of cutting-edge robotic systems, making us a versatile and knowledgeable partner in any robotics endeavor.

Members of our team have been involved in the domestic and overseas manufacturing operations of hundreds of millions of dollars worth of product. We have encountered and overcome numerous challenges while scaling designs for mass production. Our expertise includes:
  • Collaborating with contract manufacturers to establish robust production lines
  • Developing production test software and designing custom test fixtures
  • Assisting with product environmental and stress testing
  • Driving a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) or Production Pre-Mortem exercise
  • Assisting with regulatory compliance testing
  • Formalizing a book of product
  • Developing protocols for failure analysis
This diverse experience equips us to effectively assist with the complexities of manufacturing ramp and NPI.
We accomplish this with engineering process and rigor. This includes:
  • Robust Project Management: We adhere to structured project management methodologies such as Kanban and Scrum.
  • Focused Team Meetings: We maintain open and frequent communication with stakeholders to help identify and address technical issues early. We hold regular sync meetings to ensure an alignment of expectations and a healthy relationship.
  • Technical risk register: We maintain a living document used to identify and track potential risks, their severity, and methods for eliminating these risks.
  • Prototyping and Incremental Development: Fail early, Fail fast. When necessary, we run a Design of Experiments (DOE).
  • Contingency planning: We develop contingency plans for critical aspects of a project such as running parallel paths, or incorporating functional redundancies.
  • Customer Feedback and Beta Testing: We engage with customers through feedback and beta testing to gather early insights into potential technical issues or usability challenges.
  • Continuous questioning of assumptions: Many projects fail when critical assumptions end up being false. We work to explicitly define these critical assumptions in order to establish the necessary validation steps early on.

Bivy Labs ensures project success with a thorough understanding of your goals, strategic planning, and precise execution. Our commitment to regular communication and rigorous testing ensures each project not only meets but surpasses expectations.

Founders Note:


Welcome to Bivy Labs,

We’re Alex and Brandon based out of the San Francisco Bay Area. We dream of a world in which technology is leveraged to improve lives, form new connections, and repair communities and ecosystems. Our vision at Bivy Labs is to provide world-class engineering to help clients achieve business, product, and research goals that align with those values.

We solve problems holistically— with a consideration for project and business objectives, in addition to the technical and situational constraints. We are strategic optimists. Anything is possible until physics or a carefully designed set of experiments tells us otherwise.

With our combined skills in software, electrical, and mechanical design, we are equipped to lead your project from concept to production. Bring us along on your ambitious endeavors. Let’s shape the world.

Warm regards,